Einde keuzehulp

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Evaluatie van de keuzehulp

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Hoe waarschijnlijk is het dat u de keuzehulp zou aanbevelen aan iemand in een vergelijkbare situatie als de uwe?

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Door deze keuzehulp heb ik het gevoel dat ik beter het gesprek met mijn arts aan kan gaan om samen een keuze te maken voor een behandeling.

Na het invullen van de keuzehulp ben ik eerder geneigd om ONVZ aan te bevelen dan daarvoor.

Wat kan er nog aan de keuzehulp verbeterd worden?

Wat vindt u goed aan de keuzehulp?

Registreren of inloggen

Door te registreren wordt uw keuzehulp opgeslagen en kunt u het nog een keer bekijken. Als u al een keer bent ingelogd kunt u ook opnieuw inloggen.

Uw samenvatting

U kunt de samenvatting bewaren.
Zo kunt u alles nog eens nalezen en bespreken met uw partner, familie of vrienden.
Kies 1 van de volgende manieren: 

Meer informatie over boezem-fibrilleren en de behandeling daarvan:

  • Patienteninformatietool.nl/boezemfibrilleren: Medische informatie over boezem-fibrilleren in duidelijke taal, die hoort bij de Kwaliteitsstandaard Boezemfibrilleren 
  • Harteraad.nl: Website van het expertisecentrum voor mensen die leven met hart- en vaat-ziektes.
  • Hartstichting.nl: De Hartstichting zet zich in om hart- en vaat-ziektes eerder op te sporen en te behandelen. 
  • Thuisarts.nl/atriumfibrilleren: Informatie over boezem-fibrilleren (atriumfibrilleren) van het Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap (NHG), geschreven in begrijpelijke taal.
  • CBR.nl: Informatie over autorijden met hart-problemen, zoals boezem-fibrilleren.

Meer informatie over samen beslissen:

Deze keuzehulp is gebaseerd op de richtlijn Atriumfibrilleren (versie 2022) van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Cardiologie (NVVC).
Ook zijn de volgende bronnen gebruikt:

  1. Blomström-Lundqvist C, Pürerfellner H, White A, Schilling R. Redefining the standard for atrial fibrillation: a patient-centric report. Eur Cardiovasc Rev 2021;16S1:1-6. Hier te vinden
  2. Jones J, Stanbury M, Haynes S, et al. Importance and assessment of quality of life in symptomatic permanent atrial fibrillation: patient focus groups from the RATE-AF trial. Cardiol 2020;145:666-675. Hier te vinden
  3. Ladwig KH, Goette A, Atasoy S, Johar H. Psychological aspects of atrial fibrillation: a systematic narrative review. Curr Cardiol Rep 2020;22:137. Hier te vinden
  4. Dudink E, Erkuner O, Berg J, et al. The influence of progression of atrial fibrillation on quality of life: a report from the Euro Heart Survey. Europace 2018;20:929-934. Hier te vinden
  5. Gupta D, Vijgen J, de Potter T, et al. Quality of life and healthcare utilization improvements after atrial fibrillation ablation. Heart 2021;107:1296-1302. Hier te vinden
  6. Wang J, Liu S, Bao Z, et al. Patients’ experiences across the trajectory of atrial fibrillation: a qualitative systematic review. Health Expect 2022;25:869-884. Hier te vinden
  7. Bassand JP, Accetta G, Al Mahmeed W, et al. Risk factors for death, stroke, and bleeding in 28,628 patients from the GARFIELD-AF registry: Rationale for comprehensive management of atrial fibrillation. PLoS ONE 2018;13(1): e0191592. Hier te vinden
  8. Andrade JG, Turgeon RD, Macle L, Deyell MW. Cryoablation of drug therapy for initial treatment of atrial fibrillation. Eur Cardiol Rev 2022;17:e10. Hier te vinden
  9. De Vos C, Pisters R, Nieuwlaat R, et al. Progression from paroxysmal to persistent atrial fibrillation: clinical correlates and prognosis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;55:725-731. Hier te vinden
  10. Zhang YY, Qiu C, Davis PJ, et al. Predictors of progression of recently diagnosed atrial fibrillation in REgistry on Cardiac Rhythm DisORDers Assessing the Control of Atrial Fibrillation (RecordAF) United States cohort. Am J Cardiol 2013;112:79-84. Hier te vinden
  11. Hart RG, Pearce LA, Aguilar MI. Meta-analysis: antithrombotic therapy to prevent stroke in patients who have nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Ann Intern Med 2007;146:857-867. Hier te vinden
  12. Alobaida M, Alrumayh A. Rate control strategies for atrial fibrillation. Ann Med 2021;53:682-692. Hier te vinden
  13. Archontakis S, Sideris K, Laina A, et al. His bundle pacing: a promising alternative strategy for anti-bradycardic pacing – report of a single-center experience. Hellenic J Cardiol 2022;64:77-86. Hier te vinden
  14. Su L, Cai M, Wu S, et al. Long-term performance and risk factors analysis after permanent His-bundle pacing and atrioventricular node ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure. Europace 2020;22:ii19-ii26. Hier te vinden
  15. Qi P, Yang YZ, Shi L, et al. His-Purkinje conduction system pacing combined with atrioventricular node ablation improved quality of life in older patients with persistent atrial fibrillation refractory to multiple ablation procedures. J Geriatr Cardiol 2023;20:130-138. Hier te vinden
  16. Huang W, Su L, Wu S. Pacing treatment of atrial fibrillation patients with heart failure: His bundle pacing combined with atrioventricular node ablation. Card Electrophysiol Clin 2018;10:519-535. Hier te vinden
  17. Baumgartner T, Kaelin-Friedrich M, Makowski K, et al. Sex-related differences in patient selection for and outcomes after pace and ablate for refractory atrial fibrillation: insights from a large multicenter cohort. J Clin Med 2022;11:4927. Hier te vinden
  18. Blomström-Lundqvist C, Gizurarson S, Schwieler J, et al. Effect of catheter ablation vs antiarrhythmic medication on quality of life in patients with atrial fibrillation: the CAPTAF randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2019;321:1059-1068. Hier te vinden
  19. Chen S, Pürerfellner H, Ouyang F, et al. Catheter ablation vs. antiarrhythmic drugs as ‘first-line’ initial therapy for atrial fibrillation: a pooled analysis of randomized data. Europace 2021;23:1950-1960. Hier te vinden
  20. Turagam MK, Musikantow D, Whang W, et al. Assessment of catheter ablation or antiarrhythmic drugs for first-line therapy of atrial fibrillation: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. JAMA Cardiol 2021;6:697-705. Hier te vinden
  21. Valembois L, Audureau E, Takeda A, et al. Antiarrhythmics for maintaining sinus rhythm after cardioversion of atrial fibrillation. Cochrane Datab Syst Rev 2019;9:CD005049. Hier te vinden
  22. Razzack AA, Lak HM, Pothuru S, et al. Efficacy and safety of catheter ablation vs antiarrhythmic drugs as initial therapy for management of symptomatic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: a meta-analysis. Rev Cardiovasc Med 2022;22:112. Hier te vinden
  23. Pavlovic N, Chierchia GB, Velagic V, et al. Initial rhythm control with cryoballoon ablation vs drug therapy: impact on quality of life and symptoms. Am Heart J 2021;242:103-114. Hier te vinden
  24. Singh SN, Tang XC, Reda D, Singh BN. Systematic electrocardioversion for atrial fibrillation and role of antiarrhythmic drugs: a substudy of the SAFE-T trial. Heart Rhythm 2009;6:152-155. Hier te vinden
  25. Pokorney SD, Kim S, Thomas L, et al. Cardioversion and subsequent quality of life and natural history of atrial fibrillation. Am Heart J 2017;185:59-66. Hier te vinden
  26. Sandhu RK, Smigorowsky M, Lockwood E, et al. Impact of electrical cardioversion on quality of life for the treatment of atrial fibrillation. Can J Cardiol 2017;33:450-455. Hier te vinden
  27. Airaksinen KE, Grönberg T, Nuotio I, et al. Thromboembolic complications after cardioversion of acute atrial fibrillation: the FinCV (Finnish CardioVersion) study. J Am Coll Cardiol 2013;62:1187-1192. Hier te vinden
  28. Ganesan AN, Shipp NJ, Brooks AG, et al. Long-term outcomes of catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Heart Assoc 2013;2:e004549. Hier te vinden
  29. Nielsen JC, Johannessen A, Raatikainen P, et al. Long-term efficacy of catheter ablation as first-line therapy for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: 5-year outcome in a randomised clinical trial. Heart 2016;103:368-376. Hier te vinden
  30. Haldar S, Rehman Khan H, Boyalla V, et al. Catheter ablation vs. thoracoscopic surgical ablation in long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation: CASA-AF randomized controlled trial. Eur Heart J 2020;41:4471-4480. Hier te vinden 
  31. Samuel M, Khairy P, Champagne J, et al. Association of atrial fibrillation burden with health-related quality of life after atrial fibrillation ablation. Substudy of the Cryoballoon vs Contact-Force Atrial Fibrillation Ablation (CIRCA-DOSE) Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Cardiol 2021;6:1324-1328. Hier te vinden
  32. Rohrer U, Manninger M, Zirlik A, Scherr D. Impact of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation on quality of life. J Clin Med 2022;11:4541. Hier te vinden
  33. Zheng ZH, Fan J, Ji CC, et al. Long-term outcomes and improvements in quality of life in patients with atrial fibrillation treated with catheter ablation vs. antiarrhythmic drugs. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2021;21:299-320. Hier te vinden
  34. Cappatto R, Calkins H, Chen SA, et al. Updated worldwide survey on the methods, efficacy, and safety of catheter ablation for human atrial fibrillation. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2010;3:32-38. Hier te vinden
  35. Hindricks G, Potpara T, Dagres N, et al. 2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation. Eur Heart J 2021;42:373-498. Hier te vinden
  36. Boersma LV, Castella M, van Boven W, et al. Atrial fibrillation catheter ablation versus surgical ablation treatment (FAST): a 2-center randomized clinical trial. Circulation 2012;125:23-30. Hier te vinden
  37. Van der Heijden CA, Weberndörfer V, Vroomen M, et al. Hybrid ablation versus repeated catheter ablation in persistent atrial fibrillation: a randomized controlled trial. JACC Clinical Electrophysiol 2023;S2405-500X(22)01143-4. Hier te vinden
  38. Bisleri G, Pandey AK, Verma S, et al. Combined minimally invasive surgical and percutaneous catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2023;81:606-619. Hier te vinden
  39. Eranki A, Wilson-Smith A, Flynn C, et al. Mid term freedom from atrial fibrillation following hybrid ablation, a systematic review and meta analysis. J Cardiothor Surg 2023;18:155. Hier te vinden
  40. Harlaar N, Verberkmoes NJ, van der Voort PH, et al. Clamping versus nonclamping thoracoscopic box ablation in long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2019;160:399-405. Hier te vinden

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Versie: 30 mei 2023
Gefinancierd door: PatientPlus

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